miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013


Have you ever thought about something very seriously or deeply? It could be to arrive at a decision or to analyze a problem. The word 'contemplate' basically means to look at something thoughtfully and attentively or to think about something very seriously. If you contemplate an action, you actually think whether to do it or not and you ponder over it for a long time. It also means you consider doing something or consider the possibility of something happening.

As the word contemplate shows the action of thinking or looking at something attentively, it is a verb. For example, when you are in college, you contemplate your future goals, that means you think about your career very seriously by analyze various options. Okay, now that you know what contemplate means, let's take a look at some example sentences to see how you can use it in your daily conversation.
Example 01 : Mr. Roy is contemplating retirement next year as he hasn't been keeping well for a long time.
Ex 02 : Samantha told her William, " Thank you for offering help, I contemplated doing the project myself, but it would have taken too long to complete it."
Ex 03 : When Smith was contemplating a new business, he consulted competent legal, finance and tax advisors to ensure the viability of his venture.
Ex 04 : The class was learning about caterpillars and their transformation into butterflies, but Lisa couldn't contemplate how they could change into completely different things.
Ex 05 : As Samantha was contemplating a change in job, her boss offered her a raise, to avoid any brain drain.
Ex 06 : Maria contemplated the result of her class test, thinking what had gone wrong and how she could do better the next time. 
Ex 07 : Aunt Lucy stared into the mirror for a long time, contemplating the wrinkles on her face.
Ex 08 : To support his family, Alex contemplated leaving the high school and taking up a full time job at the hotel.
Ex 09 : Richard contemplated buying a second hand car for his daughter on her birthday.
Ex 10 : Little Angel couldn't contemplate the meaning of the poem and asked his mother for help.

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