miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013


When you recall your college days, you feel happy because it brings back good memories and sadness as those days no longer exist. The word nostalgic basically means to be sentimental and cherish the good times in the past.If you feel nostalgic, you think affectionately about an experience you had in the past and wish things had not changed. It is the good feeling you get when you remember your past. You sit back, smile and think to yourself, wow that was fun or happy.

So, it is a longing desire to go back to a sentimental place, time or to a person's company that always made you happy. It could also mean the state of being homesick or a longing for home. For example, when you are away from home, you become homesick as you miss your family and you become nostalgic about returning to your home. As the word nostalgic describes the feeling of being happy or sad simultaneously, it is an adjective.
Example 01: When Samantha was at the cafe with her ex-colleagues, she felt nostalgic while speaking about their happy and fun days at work.
Ex 02: Peter felt extremely nostalgic while listening to old romantic songs; it reminded him of his good old days with his girlfriend.
Ex 03: When David visited his village after many years, he became nostalgic as he missed his school days and the simple lifestyle.
Ex 04: Maria felt nostalgic when she saw wooden toys, handicrafts and colorful dolls at the exhibition, as they were her favorite possessions in her childhood days. 
Ex 05 : While the young girls attempted their first baking and made cookies, it brought them nostalgic memories of their grandmother's kitchen.
Ex 06 : After reading her son's email, the nostalgic mother wept as she longed to be with her son who was studying overseas. 
Ex 07 : At the park, when the old man saw little children on the tire swing, he felt very nostalgic.
Ex 08 : While addressing the marketing staff, the manager spoke nostalgically about her first job experience as a salesgirl. 
Ex 09 : During the concert, the band struck up nostalgic music and took the audience back in the aura of 1950's.
Ex 10: Away from the family, Jenifer felt nostalgic while opening the Christmas gifts sent by her family.

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