lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


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miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013


At some point of time in your life, you must have faced a situation where you did something just in time, with a few seconds to spare, or before it was too late, which in turn saved you from unpleasant consequences. The idiom 'in the nick of time' basically means being able to get something done, just before the deadline. 

When you do something in the nick of time, you are doing something just before the time runs out, In other words you are doing it on the exact moment. So when you do something just in time, or before time runs out, it means you have done your work in the nick of time. When a seriously ailing patient is admitted in hospital just in time, it means he reached the hospital in the nick of time, ruling out any negative consequences.
Example 01 : I got to the station just in the nick of time and jumped on the train, as it was leaving.
Ex 02 : In spite of getting stuck in the traffic, we reached the airport in the nick of time and made to our flight.
Ex 03 : Little John was desperate for a wee, and got to the toilet just in the nick of time.
Ex 04 : Jane got her application form submitted to the college in the nick of time, If she had arrived a day later, she would've missed the deadline.
Ex 05 : Jack made it to the fuel station in the nick of time, else he would have been stranded in the middle of the highway without any fuel.
Ex 06 : Janet was almost drowning in the swimming pool, the lifeguard spotted her and saved her in the nick of time. 
Ex 07 : The bomb squad arrived in the nick of time and diffused the explosives, saving many innocent lives.
Ex 08 : William completed the financial reports in the nick of time, before presenting them to the client, he had all the figures on the tip of his tongue.
Ex 09 : Spiderman swept down and saved the damsel in distress just in the nick of time.
Ex 10 : The doctors decided to operate the injured man in the nick of time, to save his life.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


La estimulación cerebral profunda se ha vuelto muy precisa. Esta técnica permite a los cirujanos colocar electrodos en prácticamente cualquier área del cerebro, y encenderla o apagarla -- como un radio o un termostato -- para corregir desperfectos. Un vistazo drástico a las técnicas emergentes, en donde una mujer con mal de Parkinson deja de temblar instantáneamente y las partes del cerebro erosionadas por la enfermedad, vuelven a la vida.
The chair of neurosurgery at the University of Toronto, Andres Lozano has pioneered the use of deep brain stimulation for treating Parkinson’s, depression, anorexia and Alzheimer’s disease. Full bio »

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013


There are certain things in life which are hard to change; it could be an idea ,a thought or even a habit. Rigid basically means something that is not flexible or just does not change. When you are unable to bend or move something, that means, it is rigid. For example, When your boss is very particular about the way the office functions and doesn't wish to change or bend the rules and regulations under any circumstances, that means he is a rigid man. 

Rigid also means something that is not flexible and is not going to change , no matter what happens. When you are stiff or unable to move because of a strong emotion such as anger or fear, it means you are rigid. As the word rigid describes something that is incapable of change, it is an adjective.
Example 01 Maria forced Sam to dance in the party, as he was standing rigid like a statue.
Ex 02 : fresh graduates, today prefer working in an MNC, instead of taking up a Government job, due to their rigid rules and orthodox way of working.
Ex 03 : When the little girl saw the road accident take place, she was rigid with fear.
Ex 04 : Mac computers are always trusted for their rigid performance.
Ex 05 : Jenifer is disappointed with the company's new appraisal policy as it's rigid. She can't expect more than a ten percent growth every year.
Ex 06 : Peter is a very stern and rigid professor, he does what he says, there is no scope of influencing his thoughts. 
Ex 07 : To keep growing personally and professionally, one must not be rigid as it restricts growth.
Ex 08 : I admire my boss, he conducts himself with rigid dignity.
Ex 9 : Victor told his friend, "Don't have such a rigid attitude when you make big decisions in your life, you may overlook good opportunities and regret later."
Ex 10 : My mother doesn't allow me to go to late night parties due to her rigid values and morals.

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013


Sometimes there is a great desire for certain things due to their growing trend or due to the benefits you get from them. The word sought-after, basically means, something that is in great demand or something that is desired by the people. 

It could be a newly launched luxurious car that is desired by many people, but not all can buy it. It means, such a car is sought-after. Something that is sought-after is in great demand, usually because it is rare or of very good quality.As the word sought-after describes something being highly demanded or desired, it is an adjective.
Example 01 : Fairness creams are the most sought-after cosmetic products, you find them in every store.
Ex 02 : The newly launched apple i5 is the most sought-after mobile phone today, even though it is highly priced. 
Ex 03 : Stiletto shoes and big dial watches are the most sought-after accessories among teenage girls as they help to make a fashion statement.
Ex 04 : Brad Pitt, is one of the most sought-after Hollywood heroes because of his charming looks and great a personality.
Ex 05 : When Rachel asked her friend to recommend what's best at the café, she said, " You must try their hot coffee, it's the most sought-after beverage on their menu."
Ex 06 : Aerobics is one of the most sought-after forms of exercise. It really helps you to burn a good amount of calories. Ex 07 : When the concept of call centers came in our country, call center jobs were the most sought-after among fresh graduates.
Ex 08 : Due to her good looks, Tina is the most sought-after young employee in her office, all the men keep complimenting her.
Ex 9 : An Olympic gold medal is the most sought-after prize in sport. Every sports person dreams to achieve it
Ex 10 : Video games are the most sought-after among young boys. 
Ex 11 : India is one of the most sought-after tourism destinations in the world.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013


Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, for a discussion of the challenges facing Mexico and the future of U.S. Mexican relations. President Fox discusses his formative experiences including the influence of his ancestors and teachers, his work as a businessman, and the factors that led him to enter politics.
Discussing his Presidency, he analyzes the problems of governing in a country simultaneously riding a democratic revolution and the transformations brought about by the new wave of globalization. He also discusses the issues of immigration and drugs and how both impact the future of U.S.-Mexican relations.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013


You often do certain activities and later realize that they were hopeless or useless, or were not worth doing. Futile, basically means doing something that is not capable of producing any result, or something that is not important. 

For example, when your father is angry and yelling, you try to cool him down but realize that it's not helping, that means your attempt to cool him down was futile. It means you do something that was not worth attempting or something totally hopeless and not successful. As the word futile describes something that is useless or hopeless, it is an adjective.

Example 01 : Conducting research and development for the new mobile phone proved futile, as it failed in the market after it's grand launch. 
Ex 02 : After a mile or so, the thief realized that his attempt to outrun the police was futile, and he finally surrendered. 
Ex 03 : Practicing for my Math exam was futile as I couldn't solve the paper in the examination.
Ex 04 : When Rosie is discussing about her career plans, Mary's futile comments begin to annoy her.
Ex 05 : Mother shouted at her son, "Don't waste your time on futile activities, like talking on the phone with your friends before the exams."
Ex 06 : Expecting our bus to come on time, is futile, as it is always late.
Ex 07 : Investing in property now is futile, as prices are expected to drop in a few months.
Ex 08 : Requesting the boss for a salary raise now futile, as he is upset due to my long absenteeism at work.
Ex 09 : Jack told Mary, "Giving you a call is futile, you never answer it as you are always busy."
Ex 10 : Asking our neighbors to lower down the sound of their music system is futile, they always play it loud.
Ex 11. It's futile trying to persuade John to visit Gym, he is just growing like a sack of potatoes.